
Dec 9, 2010

Today's harvest

My first generation komatunas, which had suffered low germination rate and poor growth, were at last harvested today. It took about 45 days since seeding those komatunas. I think the color of the leaves is lighter and paler than usual due to poor growth caused by less nutrition and less sunlight.
The second generation komatunas are well grown in a vinyl tunnel which can make temperature inside warm and gather much sunlight.

My wife will slice them and add them into Miso-soup.

-- from iPad


Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Komatsuna in miso soup sounds delicious.

Mark Willis said...

Ok, so that proves that making your "poly-tunnel" to protect the crops was worthwhile...

p3chandan said...

Hot steaming miso soup with your komatsuna sounds delicious in this cold weather!

takaeko said...

>Malay and p3chandan
Now I've eat up a miso soup with komatunas made by my wife and it wa very delicious! If my second generation komatunas is more successful giving me much harvest, I wanna enjoy pickled komatunas.

Yeah, the growth of the komatunas since setting the tunnel proves it is effective.
As temperature down in winter, the tunnel will be more helpful.