
Nov 27, 2011

Onion Project

 An onion is not only one of our favorite vegetables but one of most versatile vegetables for many dishes in many ways, I believe. Actually, My family consume more onions than any other vegetables through a year.

 My wife requested more onions than previous season so I bought 150 onion sprouts at a local sprout and seed shop.

 Planting the 150 onion sprouts was so tough that I had to ask my wife, my daughter and even her friend to help me! They were so cooperative and especially my daughter's friend planted sprouts for the first time so she seemed to be interested in working in my garden with my daughter's guidance.

 In 1 hour and a half, we finished planting all sprouts. The breed of my onion is an early onion so we can expect harvesting them in the mid or late of May in 2012. My daughter's friend said she will take a part in harvesting them next spring. I believe her efforts and cooperation deserve it.


Mark Willis said...

I agree - onions are probably our most-used vegetable. Most of our savoury recipes use them. I would need a HUGE garden if I were to try to grow a whole year's supply! Great to see that the girls helped you out with that big task.

Bom said...

How long do the onions keep once they've been dried? Do you plant at intervals?

takaeko said...

Well, dried onions can be kept for two or three mouths in a dry condition outside.
Be careful for raindrops when you dry onions outside.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

How lovely you have more assistants to help you in your garden. When I was living in Japan my oyasan gave me so many onions each time she harvested her onions.