
Sep 18, 2011

Growth of my cabbages and Chinese cabbages

 Cooler weather would be expected usually after some typhoons passing over Japan but it's still hot and humid in Osaka. The recent typhoons hit and affected some areas but they gave tons of water not only to human beings but to vegetables. I was worried about too hot weather which could affect the growth of my vegetables but judging from my cabbages and Chinese cabbages, they look healthy thanks to the water.

 Cloudy and rainy weather is expected through next week so I cultivated my planting ridges to make the soil absorb water easily. Using a hoe in a hot and muggy day is so tough that we have to drink water to avoid dehydration.

 After cultivating ridges, I checked leaves of cabbages to pick up bugs. Fortunately no bug was found.

Chinese cabbage
My purple cabbage is turning purple gradually.

My Brussels sprouts, which
are my new try, also look healthy. 


Mark Willis said...

We have had a fair bit of rain here too, and many of my plants are enjoying that - especially my Raspberries which really thrive in moist conditions.
My Red Cabbages are bigger than your ones, but they still do not have very much heart in them. Don't they take a long time to grow!

takaeko said...

It's ironic that water, which is the source of life, is sometimes brought by powerful typhoons.
My cabbages is still small but their leaves started rolling inside.