What does being absent from working in my garden in summer mean? I've got the answer to the question today. While my family members were travelling to
Hiruzen Highlands and Kaike Hot springs, tons of weeds have occupied my garden. I'm astonished and overwhelmed with this fact and it didn't take long to realize that I had to start weeding immediately.
Especially, my okras were threatened by tall and persistent weeds as if the weeds were sucking up all nutrition in soil.
The second severest place was walking paths between gardening ridges. The paths is lower than other ridges so rain water could stay longer with less vaporization even in hot summer days. That can make weeds live longer, I think.

I weeded for about 1 and a half hours and collected a pile of weeds shown below.

It's important for gardeners to imagine what would happen after sweaty and hard chores when we face situations where those kinds of chores like weeding in a hot day have to be done. Clean garden after weeding can alleviate my fatigue.

-- from iPad