
Aug 2, 2011

Presents in summer

Today my wife's aunt, our gardening teacher, gave us big presents of 2 water melons, pumpkins. We we were surprised not only with their beautiful appearance but with their taste! You can see a water melon cut into a quarter and you can see imagine how big it was before been cut.

The pumpkin were middle-sized compared with ones shown in a Halloween.
I believe it is also sweet and delicious. We've not decide how we cook it but it will be boiled in broth with sliced beef.

The taste of the melon were so sweet and juicy that my kids ate them out saying " I've never eaten such sweet one! ". I believe they are right.

When we see roll models in any fields, we can be inspired for improving our behaviors, attitudes. The presents from my wife's aunt gave us hints on what kinds of vegetables we can grow next.

-- from iPod touch

1 comment:

Mark Willis said...

Roasted pumpkin makes a lovely soup...