
Sep 26, 2010

Bug's attacking again!

 I and my wife were shocked to find many bugs (young-worms of corn-borer ) , which had attacked my sweet corns and made them dead, have been found again in corn's leaves and trunks.

 We determined to stop the recurrence!!!

 The measure we took is "F.P.K",which I call and stands for "Finding, Picking up, and Killing all of them". It's a very painstaking job but we found only 6 bugs.

 We finally realized we are required to use pesticide to some extent for warding off bugs more effectively and bought a kind of organic pesticide in a home-depo near my house.

 We have been pursuing 100% organic farming but facing the fact we'd encountered, some extent of dependence on chemical substance like pesticide may be acceptable, I think.


Lisa said...

I just realized how similar cornborers look to cutworm that I'll sometimes turnover in my soil. Gya, they look so gross.

takaeko said...

Yes they are! Gross!,Lisa.

I believe we might encounter gross bugs in our garden.My wife and daughter screamed out when they found a big hornwarm (go to "hornwarm" in my Labels on the left).