Some weather reports say this winter will be MUCH colder than the average of the last 5 years so I have to have some methods for expediting germination even in a cold weather.
Today I sowed spinach and pak-choi. They can be sown through a year but some measures have to be installed for them in a cold winter. A vinyl tunnel is one of my favorite and effective ways, which is easy to set up.
Setting up a vinyl tunnel is so easy that you don't need any instruction for it! We need just a rolled vinyl sheet, a set of 2 semi-sphere plastic poles and clothes-pegs.
The vinyl tunnel can warm up the air inside effectively and I measured the temperature and found about 5゜C warmer than outside. In one of my tunnels I set up, spinach have germinated even in chilly days.
-- iPhone
You know that vinyl tunnels wouldn't work for me - the blasted foxes would sit on top of them! :(
I believe you should use electric fences against wild animals like foxes. I live in a suburb area so there is no damage by wild animals but in mountainous areas wild monkeys attack fruits and vegetables and cause serious damage.
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