
Aug 14, 2010

Testing my digital camera for shooting underwater.

I use a digital camera for shooting photos and videos of my farming garden and our daily life.
It has a so nice feature that it is a water-proof and can be usable even underwater!!

Our trip to Shirahama beach was a good opportunity for testing that function and the footages are clearer than I thought.


Malay-Kadazan girl said...


takaeko said...

>Malay-Kadazan girl
私のデジカメはSANYOのXACTI DMX-CA9です。安い割りに、防水、ハイビジョン撮影と機能も充実しているので、雨天の撮影などに重宝しております。勿論泥だらけになる畑仕事でも活躍しております。

My digital camera is XACTI DMX-CA9 producted by SANYO. I make the best use of the features such as 1.5M-Depth water proof and High-Resolution recording despite its reasonable price. Needles to say that I always bring the camera into my farming garden.