My recipe of sweet potato tarts is so easy that everyone can make them successfully!
Ingredients for 12 tarts or 4 adults:
1 sweet potato - 400 gr
2 sugar - 60 gr
3 fresh cream - 10 cc
4 milk - 10 cc
5 salt-free butter - 30 gr
5 vanilla essence - a few drops
6 a small spoonful of rum
7 a yellow of an egg
1 Slice sweet potatoes to 1cm thick.
2 Boil the sliced potatoes till they become so soft that you can skewer them easily.
3 Mash the potatoes thoroughly4 Add salt-free butter, fresh cream, milk and sugar and mix them up thoroughly. After cooling down, you can add the yellow of an egg, vanilla essence and rum into potato and mix them up again.
5 Fill the mixture into molds with a pastry bag
7 Bake them in a toaster oven for about 7 minutes and serve them with tea!